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Event report
Background papers
Slides from presentations
- Post-Busan Building Block: Effective Institutions Platform (EIP) – Steve Pierce
- Rwanda: Strategic Approach to Capacity Building in priority sectors, Comfort Mbabazi
- Nigeria: Reforming the Unreformable, Dr. Joe Abah
- ODI’s analytical framework for evaluating change processes, Heidi Tavakoli and Rebecca Simson
- European Commission: Rapid Assessment of Capacities (RAC), Enzo Caputo
- Ghana: The IEA’s leadership in reforming the presidential transition process, Dr. Michael Ofori-Mensah
- Mozambique: Experiences with approaches to institutional effectiveness, Alfredo Mazive
- Organisational Assessment and the dynamics of change, Jos Brand
- Improving Institutional Capacity Development: Bright Spots, Dr. Jim Armstrong
- CSOs leading reform processes through capacity development, Koen Faber
- Progress report 2011-2013, lessons, challenges, opportunities, Lawrencia Adams
- A partnership opportunity: What role can LenCD play in supporting the Effective Institutions Platform (EIP)?