We are pleased to report that the LenCD Partners Meeting (10-12 February 2011 in Kigali, Rwanda) was a great success. The new LenCD charter was adopted, the steering group was expanded to include broader representation from a greater diversity of organisations, and significant progress was made on several important initiatives in the LenCD work plan including sharpening our messages for the Busan high-level forum on aid effectiveness, developing a workplan for improving knowledge management across LenCD, developing a learning package on capacity development, and strengthening connections with and among regional networks.
Many thanks to our hosts, the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) and the Rwanda Public Sector Capacity Building Secretariat (PSCBS). Thanks also to the LenCD network coordinating team and to the many workshop facilitators.
Key documents
- Report from the meeting
- LenCD progress report 2009-10 (final version, updated after the meeting)
- Agenda
- Charter
- Participants list
Presentations made on Thursday and workshop reports
- Agenda and ground rules / Lessons, Challenges, Opportunities (Thomas Theisohn)
- Bi-annual report 2009-10 (Alessandra Casazza)
- Strategic planning survey January 2011 (Brian Lucas)
- LenCD Governance Charter (Godje Bialluch)
- WS1: Reflections on key messages for Busan (Tony Land)
- WS1: Capacity development “On the Road to Busan and Beyond” (Jim Hradsky)
- WS2: Opportunities for rationalizing the Capacity Development Knowledge Architecture (Jeff Kwaterski)
- WS2: Ideas for knowledge management activities (Brian Lucas)
Presentations made on Friday
- WS1: LenCD Future role on road to Busan and beyond (Tony Land, James Hradsky)
- WS2: Knowledge management work plan ideas (Brian Lucas)
- WS3: Towards a Capacity Development Learning Package (Jenny Pearson, Mark Nelson)
- WS4: Regional Initiatives and Connections with LenCD (Janet Awimbo, Apollinaire Ndorukwigira)
New steering group

Representing the incoming LenCD Steering Group from left to right: Ismail Abdirahman (NEPAD and African Peer Review Mechanism APRM, Kenya), Florence Nazare (NEPAD Planning and Coordination Agency), Santiago Perry (for Accion Social, Colombia), Alessandra Casazza (United Nations Development Programme UNDP), Jennifer Mujuni (Public Sector Capacity Building Secretariat PSCBS, Rwanda), Paul Riembault (European Commission EC), Rose Wangiru (Centre for Economic Governance and AIDS in Africa CEGAA), Noriharu Masugi (Japan International Cooperation Agency JICA), James Hradsky (OECD/DAC), Antonio Tujan (IBON & Reality of Aid Asia), Godje Bialluch (German International Cooperation, GIZ), Mark Nelson (World Bank Institute, WBI), Apollinaire Ndorukwigjira (African Capacity Building Foundation ACBF), Thomas Theisohn (LenCD Coordinator). Not present: Talaa Abdel-Malik (OECD/DAC).