Resources: Capacity development web sites a powerful knowledge management tool aimed at improving technical cooperation, launched by EuropeAid as a central component of the Backbone Strategy for technical cooperation (TC) reform. This project is managed by DG Europeaid – Directorate for Quality and Impact – unit B1 on “Quality of Delivery Systems”.

Development Gateway and for development Communities

FAO Capacity Development portal includes internal programme on CD for FAO staff, CD concepts, CD approaches in programme management, and capacity assessment tools (FAO specific)

IDS – Governance, Power and Participation Team The website of the Governance, Power Participation team at IDS has the details and outputs of various projects.

INTRAC Praxis Learning Programme was designed to enable civil society organisations to become more effective by linking theory and practice and by developing and disseminating learning around organisational capacity building. The website has a large resource of papers and practice notes covering many aspects of capacity development practice.

OECD/DAC Conflict and Fragility: Publications and Documents A listing of articles on capacity development and fragile states 

Wikipedia This is a collaborative space which allows those interested in capacity development at theoretical and practical level to contribute to the knowledge base. 

World Bank Capacity Development Resource Centre  Offers many articles, toolkits, case studies and links to other useful sites.

Next section: Internal agency CD learning initiatives and resources